Guy Fawkes Night Car Service
If you are going out for Bonfire Night and need a Car Service then please call us early on 0208 878 7777 to arrange a time to pick you up and then take you to the festivities in comfort and on time.

Remember, remember! The fifth of November.
It`s that time of year again where the whole of Britain goes a bit mad with fireworks and burning the guy!
Guy Fawkes was a revolutionary who want to the blow up Parliament House with gunpowder with the King James I inside and replace him with who he thought was the rightful King. The plot ultimately failed and Guy Fawkes was captured and sentenced to death.
Since this historic event all over the country people get together to let off fireworks, symbolic of what could have happened and light a bonfire.
The tip this time of year is to safe and not go back to the firework if it has not gone off and to keep cats and dogs indoors as they can find all the loud bangs very frightening.
The Gun Powder Plot Immortalised In Verse
Part of the famous poem written about this historic event:
Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes and his companions
Did the scheme contrive,
To blow the King and Parliament
All up alive.
Ally Pally's Fireworks Festival
3 - 4 NOV 2023
This historic venue is a great and spectacular place to view the fireworks, enjoy a beer and listen to the music, you can also do a bit of ice skating too.
Address: Alexandra Palace Way, London, N22 7AY
Phone number: 020 8365 2121